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Friday, September 30, 2011

Ghost Dance Again

I have decided to actually have a New Ghost Dance in 2012; Lord knows, I'll need it. I will need a new shirt, a new Ghost Dance shirt to keep me safe from those who would seek to rob me, to impoverish me, to take my rights away, to test their maniacal economic theories upon my life and the lives of my family... and of my friends and their families... and those of my neighbors.

Those who seek to steal from us desire to re-establish the past.
But the past is gone. It can only be re-established by force, for time has moved on.
There was a quote from a manual that dealt with the Nickel Mines shootings:
Resist the impulse to always have an answer. We often feel that we need to have an answer or to take away the pain… to give hope when there is fear. Sometimes this is our own discomfort in seeing children suffer. Often the best answer is to reassure children that you don't know how it will all turn out OK, but that you know that the way we get through difficult times is to do it together. Kids and parents, kids and teachers, kids and their friends, that this is a time for us to all be there for each other.
That is good advice. However, be impulsive to have faith in things getting better, be steadfast in believing that suffering may be overcome. We may not know what to do, but we know how it should be done: with love and care and hard work and not the easy way of compulsion and violence.
We should always know how to stand fast and be loyal to the idea that Creation is intrinsically good: each year has its seasons, and when winter comes, we are sad to see summer depart, but we know what to do.

There is a time when the flowers fail and snow covers the land. In this we see the promise of the Spring.

My Dance will try to speak of this.


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