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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Intuition: The Brilliant Way

I believe we all intuit the future as well as we remember the past. What makes it difficult is the clutter of our expectations, belief systems, desires, and just plain nuttiness.
Once we are able to clean all the debris away, we should have a pretty good rough intuition. It takes time and work. The hardest part is getting an internal silence and letting oneself just see. To me it is like finding gems along the highway: there is a "shining" that comes through once you clean things off. Without a "yea" or "nay" your intuition shines out at you.
Why should it not? God did not put us here to stumble in the dark, just as He did not put us here without means of allaying our suffering. Everything is here, we have to use it, and we have made it a difficult thing to do.

It is very difficult to be quiet. One of the interesting things of our age is the constant chatter of public media; the more chatter there is, the less intuition there will be. We shall never find the brilliant way out of our difficulties. We shall never see the unseen signs and guides and helpers... they are illogical and ridiculous! I disagree, for it is our society that is ridiculous!


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