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Friday, February 18, 2011

Music Consciousness

Space Music: Did Walkmans Kill Manned Space Exploration?

Analysis by Robert Lamb
Wed Feb 16, 2011 06:58 PM ET

I've been thinking about this since a fellow traveler mentioned it over vacation.
"No one wants to go into space anymore," he said. "It all started with the Walkman. The kids all slipped on headphones and retreated inward."
I'm paraphrasing a little there and I should stress that no one's implying that the rise in headphone usage directly links to the public's decreased interest in space exploration. But the notion still keeps kicking around my skull. What changed in us when the Walkman swept across the world?...

 There are behaviors that are "Carriers of Consciousness".
Our usual manner of "Being-There" is Language consciousness.
Music consciousness is totally different. Music is not some soporific drug on the minds of people listening to it; it is a different consciousness. In the article, a quoted expert implies that people listening to music become spectators of society rather than participants. That is a nonsense statement, since the musically adept are active indeed when interacting with their environment via Music; only the musically inadequate - like myself - are passive spectators.
That's why we had Rodgers AND Hammerstein: one inter-acted with Language and lyrics, the other with Music.

Along this line of thought, I was thinking of basketball when I got up this morning. An athlete is interacting with his environment via Patterned Physical Motion; i.e., the moves of B-Ball. When Jordan or Byrd cut to the basket at full speed, leap, catch sight of a impinging arm trying to block, spin, and shot and score... they are not using some sort of wordy analysis to avoid the defender.

They are using the Grammar of the Body, the moves they have mastered, to "speak with" and interact with their environment.
We have different ways of consciousness. I think they are Language, Music, Emotion, Physical Motion, Mathematics, the Holy... I forget if I have forgotten any. They are capable of being combined together, or to remain independent.
And the Mind never rests. When the Carriers of Consciousness are asleep, there is nothing to "carry" consciousness, so we say we're "unconscious". We are not in some dark mystery spot; we just are not interacting with the environment using the right behavior. However, we have still interacted... things happen...  but they do not have the cleanly cut forms of Language and Music, etc. They remain part of the Mind, but they do not have the type of symbolic "handles" that we can easily grasp.


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