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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tough Winter

The Heck with Global Warming! It's getting colder! Any fool knows that! We've had a tough winter all around us (right here it has been - truth be told - an easy slide through winter): the South, The Northeast, the Plains; tough winter!

So it's getting colder...

Or is it?

At January 9, this map of below normal (blue) and above normal (red) temperatures:

Maybe it's a wash, it all balances out? Yeah! That's it!
Anyway, good article on climate. I don't care one way or the other. I'm like Lot: I'm girding up my loins, making plans, and hoping to get out in a few years. My sympathies for those who are stuck in class warfare!

Let's just call it Global Disruption; we can lump together Climate effects together with our own idiocies, such as the Great Impoverishment, and sit back and relax!


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