Unisys Weather Home Page December 26 2012
It used to have Model Maps that were great; now their functionality has been reduced to almost nothing. I was so surprised recently when I went there... I was so surprised I sent an email immediately telling them that I found it of little value anymore.
I mean, there is a drop-down menu upon which the last 5 items are superimposed over each other! Everything is very crammed together.
Furthermore, once you are at the Model Maps and give up, there does not seem to be a link back to the rest of the site. I can't remember seeing anything like this on the net.
I am told that The Weather Channel has purchased it. Last week I was at my parents and I turned on The Weather Channel to get the forecast, and then I was amazed to see a long documentary on some sort of weather activity - Tales From The Climatologist's Crypt or something like that. It went on and on.
It used to be that you could get "weather" on The Weather Channel.
The Weather Channel itself had been purchased by NBC last year. I knew when I heard about it that it would be the death knell of weather reporting. Soon Al Roker was on doing Today Show schtick, and weather was given the pink slip.
I am back at Unisys at
which was the original site with good weather modeling maps, and is still serving up weather 24/7.
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