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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sukkot of Glass

Eichmann in Tel Aviv

I think we are in a period where we are re-defining our fears.  Some things are new, more bells and whistles, some things are old and are now being re-worked before the grand opening on Broadway.

Using fear-defining stories that ignore the nobility of mankind makes the journey to Auschwitz a whole lot quicker.

Fear was re-defined after 9/11. How did that work out? A quick and unscientific poll of the dead will suffice.

Fear is part of the background intelligent processing; our conscious fears are part of the foreground - conscious. We have to put clothes on them, give them lines to speak, and sit back and watch the play. I hope that when we have finished re-defining our fears - writing books, drawing cartoons, and delivering speeches -  we will not find ourselves eventually in that place where there are glass Sukkot from Tel Aviv!
sukkot  is the plural of sukkah, meaning "booth", tent or tabernacle. we use the meaning "booth" here.

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