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Wednesday, August 03, 2011


There are a number of people in Washington who have demonstrated that they are not competent to be in leadership positions of a country as important as the USA. At most, they are possibly fit to argue in condo board meetings.

The entire government has spent three entire months scaring the bejabbers out of every person in the country, and then they are surprised that consumer spending has decreased!

There is no justification for continuing this idiocy! They should all step down now, and good riddance.
We cannot endure... we cannot allow 18 more months of this!



Unknown said...

I think we have amply demonstrated that our government is unable to govern. Is there anybody in the Congress who actually cares about the country and not his/her political neck? I am furious at these people. Rome is burning and they're passing out the Smores. At the top there's no hope: Obama seems more and more like a hack to me.

Montag said...

They just ran out of time yesterday.
Somebody called their bluff.

In a way, I felt relieved, because I have been expecting it for years.