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Friday, March 20, 2015

The Misters Turner, Gallagher, and Shean: The Second Verse; John Constable

John Constable's Chain Pier, Brighton

There is a film Mr. Turner about the painter Turner, and I hope I may still get to see it in the theater. She-who-must-be-obeyed saw it with one of her friends on the distaff side, and I was nowhere to be seen.

However, I did manage to compose a ditty about the great English painters, Turner, Constable, and Gainborough,  all based on the vaudeville duo of Gallagher and Shean. This second verse is that of John Constable.

So the second verse goes - and it is sung as if I were a Yiddish stage presence, sort of like Yakum Yakum. (He did vaudeville, then ended up in Detroit doing Burlyque.)

Oh, Mr. Constable! Oh, Mr.Constable!
your studio is a great distress!
wipe your brushes for a starter,
with a brand new cleaning shmatta ...

Positively, Mr. Constable?
Absolutely, Mr.T!



schmatta   -  a rag     שמאַטע

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