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Thursday, November 09, 2017

The Lebanese Candidate

Hariri Suddenly Resigns On Saudi TV

Prime Minister Hariri has been been seen since he resigned his office in a televised speech while he was in Saudi Arabia!

Saad Hariri’s resignation as Prime Minister of Lebanon is not all it seems

He certainly did not anticipate what happened to him. Indeed, Hariri had scheduled meetings in Beirut on the following Monday – with the IMF, the World Bank and a series of discussions on water quality improvement; not exactly the action of a man who planned to resign his premiership

...But more extraordinary matters were to come. Out of th.e blue and to the total shock of Lebanese ministers, Hariri, reading from a written text, announced on Saturday on the Arabia television channel – readers can guess which Gulf kingdom owns it – that he was resigning as prime minister of Lebanon. There were threats against his life, he said – though this was news to the security services in Beirut – and Hezbollah should be disarmed and wherever Iran interfered in the Middle East, there was chaos.

Quite apart from the fact that Hezbollah cannot be disarmed without another civil war – is the Lebanese army supposed to attack them when Shia are the largest minority in the country (many of them in the army)? These were not words that Hariri had ever used before. They were not, in other words, written by him. As one who knows him well said this week, “this was not him speaking”. In other words, the Saudis had ordered the prime minister of Lebanon to resign and to read his own departure out loud from Riyadh.

Just like show trials in the 1930s in Russia and in Germany. Saudi Arabia just created 30 more judges to handle some sort of increase in trial activity.

Hariri's speech was a brain-washed display, just like we have seen in ISIS videos and other hostage videos and Moscow show trial films from the past. Remember The Manchurian Candidate? If and when Hariri returns, he will be a Saudi stooge ( maybe).

I feel comfort knowing Trump and Tillerson are right on this.

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