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Sunday, July 03, 2011

Ade Ileke 19: My Pickup

Quero uma picape;
Eu dirijo minha picape
para casa da minha menina;
e eu cortar a grama ...
em seguida, um copo do café

I want a pickup truck;
I drive it to my girl's house
and I cut the grass...
then. afterwards, a cup of coffee.


Ben said...

I like this little Ade Ileke. It sounds like the gentle, faithful kind of beau, and not the rough types around these days.

It also sounds idyllic too. :)


Montag said...

Thanks. The lawnmower and pickup was my poem for July 2nd, which I have not gotten around to posting yet - having been at my parents' place where internet and cellphones do not seem to work.