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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Completeness Theorem of Religion

All possible "true" propositions about the human soul in its sojourn in the World are capable of being stated in a "complete" theory of the Holy.

Religions that propound such a set of such propositions tend to endure.

For example, the beliefs as propounded by the Rev. Camping which included the end of the world in the spring of 2011 were contradictory - the world did not end - and inefficient, as the Camping set of propositions had a distinct tendency to propound "false" propositions.

Any such set of true propositions of a Complete Theory of the Holy will appear paradoxical - not contradictory - to people who do not understand them.
Such Paradox is exemplified in Homeyra's translation of Rumi:

"It is as if, everything that Is, Isn't in this world
It is as if everything that Isn't, Is in this world"

The very completeness - the vast extent of application - of these propositions cause them to appear paradoxical. Paradox is not "oddness" or "contrary to common sense"; rather, it is a "vastyness of longitude and latitude throughout the Universe" and reflects our awe at the wonder of Creation.

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