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Thursday, April 07, 2011

Free Men and Women

In 2008, I sensed that the all our forbears conspire mightily to aid and succor their children and their childrens' children from the man-made suffering of the world. The suffering that comes from the forces of Nature are moved by the compulsion of other and different  powers, not heedless and blindly vindictive; but they are powers that are alien from the spiritual force of Family and Love and Friendship, emotions so passionate that the soul is permanently touched by their flame. This passionate heavenly bond is the force which warps and shears the evil that  men do to men...causing the iron bonds of sin to fail at last!
Our bonds create timeless connection that transcends distance, and creates a great Communion of Life and Creation.

I sense now a great urgency in the world, not just the Present, but the Past and the Future call out to us, and now these dimensions indicate that we must assist them if they are to endure in their good mercies: the Past to aid us in our need, and the Future to bless us for our wisdom.

The madness must end with us, this generation. We are here in this place and in these troubled times for a honorable cause. The Present and the Past depend on us. We are the future, and the Future begins with us. We shall no longer go into the sleeplessly dark nights, for we are free! Free! Free... if we choose to be!



Ruth said...

It's the foundation of wisdom.

I line my ploughshare up next to yours. Have to break the sins unto the seventh generation and continue the blessings from the previous seven into the next seven.

Montag said...

Once we find either our sense of Honor... or our Taste of Catastrophe, we shall indeed act.