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Monday, April 18, 2011

Epic Tornado Outbreak

248 tornadoes over the weekend, one in North Carolina 4.7 kilometers wide...
when the effects of the phenomena jointly referred to as "climate change" hit, they will hit fast, not slowly. We will have no money to deal with the effects, since we will be remain the generation that spent ourselves into a 13 trillion dollar debt, and we have no particular brain power to stop the process.

Our infrastructure will crumble under the onslaught while we pursue foreign wars.

Told ya....

AND an even more interesting bit of information which you probably are not aware of is that there is accumulating evidence that weather can influence the behavior of tectonic plates!

Scientists Find First Evidence That Weather Affects Movement of Tectonic Plates

Geologists have known for years that tectonic plates affect climate patterns. Now they say that the opposite is also true, finding that intensifying climate events can move tectonic plates...

These geologists are looking at time patterns on the order of millions of years, so you don’t have to worry about global warming causing stronger earthquakes (unless you plan on living that long)...

 Millions of years....
When Climate Change was first being investigated, we looked at things on a larger, geologic scale. In time the surprise came that things were happening quicker than anyone ever thought. Since this is the first bit of information on weather affecting the tectonic plates of earth itself, I would cautiously proceed and make every effort to learn more about it.


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